Kinesiotape imitates human skin (it has the same mechanical properties) and does not contain any drugs or chemicals, but is applied through the skin to the sensory nerve fibres in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, but the response runs to the muscles, connective tissue, nerve, tendon.
Kinesiotape imitates human skin (it has the same mechanical properties) and does not contain any drugs or chemicals, but is applied through the skin to the sensory nerve fibres in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, but the response is directed to the muscles, connective tissue, nerve, tendon.
- The joints become stable and their range of movement increases
- The tone of connective tissue elements and muscles is normalised (if too tight they loosen, if too loose they become tighter)
- Circulation of the subcutaneous connective tissue is increased, thereby reducing the oedema in it
- Increased tissue metabolism
- Mobility of flattened nerves increases
The place, direction and method of application determine the response we elicit. We stick differently if we want to induce a muscular, joint, fascia, nerve mobilising, circulation enhancing effect.
Bonding is preceded by a physical examination to assess the source of the patient's complaints and the cause of the source.
We treat the causes and increase the effect of our treatment using the kinesiotaping technique.
You won't be lazy with us,
but the good news is that this
teamwork is finally delivering results.